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Daughter's 'endless battle' with horror eczema skin condition as mum issues warning

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A mum has taken to social media to share the struggle of her 11-year-old daughter's severe eczema.

Scarlett Mitchell's condition has caused distressing pain and itching since her birth. The rash has also led to serious physical and mental health issues

Unlike the mild forms some children experience, Scarlett's eczema has been a relentless battle one marked by agonisingly hot rashes that envelop her body.

She's endured countless treatments steroids, immunosuppressant jabs, and phototherapy but nothing seems to ease her persistent discomfort, which hampers both sleep and concentration.

Scarlett, from Tain, Scottish Highlands, is also allergic to common foods like eggs, nuts, and shrimp, and is sensitive to UV light. Her mother, Sarah Mitchell, speaks candidly about the immense toll eczema has taken on their family, particularly on young Scarlett's mental well-being.

Sarah is lending her voice to Eczema Outreach Support's latest initiative, launching in conjunction with World Eczema Day, reports the Daily Record.

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The campaign, titled 'Eczema - It Gets Under Your Skin,' seeks to shine a light on the psychological toll of living with eczema, affecting not just those diagnosed but also their caregivers.

Reflecting on the challenges they've faced, Sarah shared: "Doctors say you can't be born with eczema, but Scarlett was born with an angry looking rash and it only got worse until she was diagnosed with eczema when she was just weeks old.

"It's been an endless battle with trying new treatments, attending appointments with doctors and dermatologists and testing for allergies and of course it plays a big part in your mental health.

"For me, it's the feeling of being helpless to watch your child suffer and the frustration of nothing seeming to work long term. Having people tell you about this cream that cured their child's skin makes me feel like people think I am not doing enough. Believe me, I wish more than anything there was a magic potion that would cure her eczema.

"And for Scarlett the impact is huge. Every day is applying creams and managing infections - as well as being conscious of her appearance. She is a brave girl and doesn't moan but I know she can be self-conscious of her skin and wants to be covered up if she has a particularly bad skin day."


During the pandemic, Scarlett was forced to isolate due to the medication she was taking which lowered her immune system. Sarah said: "This meant the normally sociable girl was only able to see her immediate family.

"This really affected her, she was miserable being away from all her friends for months and months as the medication meant if she did catch Covid, it could have been serious for her.

"She was begging to stop taking the medication so she could see people again and I felt awful. It's that internal battle of 'am I doing the right thing? ' The injections were helping her skin but causing her mental health to decline."

Eczema Outreach Support has been a lifeline for the family since they became members in 2014. Scarlett has attended numerous events to connect with other kids with eczema, enjoyed a school workshop and received personalised support from EOS family workers.

Sarah was so grateful for the charity's help that she joined the EOS Board to contribute back. Sarah shared: "Before EOS I was really, really struggling. I felt totally alone, like no one else understood or knew what we were going through as a family.

"Scarlett would be in serious pain, so inflamed she looked burnt and we were desperate for help. A nurse in the dermatology department told us about EOS and I joined straight away.

"Getting to speak to someone who understands what we were going through and getting that support was invaluable. The eczema affected Scarlett's skin but it affected the whole family's mental health. We were in such a bad place and joining EOS became a glimmer of light in a very dark tunnel."

Nowadays, Scarlett's condition has improved - her flare-ups are more manageable than before. Suzi Holland, CEO of Eczema Outreach Support, is hopeful that awareness days and stories like Scarlett's will highlight the psychological toll of eczema.

She commented: "'Eczema - It Gets Under Your Skin' is such an important campaign. Eczema can have a huge effect on both the person with the condition and their carers.

"For children and young people with eczema, it can affect confidence, anxiety and mood while carers often feel helpless, alone and overwhelmed. Our campaign for World Eczema Day hopes to shine a light on the impact eczema can have on mental health and make people feel less alone."

EOS is putting on a series of events all about eczema and mental health in commemoration of World Eczema Day. If you're a parent or carer of a child with eczema aged 0-17, you can join EOS for free, and likewise, there's no charge to partake in the workshops and events.

You can sign up here.

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