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Mum branded 'unfair' for giving baby name that sounds like 'flatulence medicine'

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Choosing an original name for a baby can be quite tough, so many opt for something more unusual to help their little ones stand out or choose names that are meaningful to them.

However, when one mum shared a "quick snap of the board outside my kid's class", people were left wondering why parents would choose a name that was so outlandish, that they'll obviously struggle to pronounce, and also spell it out - and their classmates would struggle too.

Taking to name forum '', the names outside the class were 'Marleigh', 'Ezlyn', and the most unusual of them all - 'Wynzxylle'.


In the comments of the thread, people were left with many questions. "I can't even begin to imagine how Wynzxylle is pronounced", someone despaired. The mum responded saying: "So I asked the teacher…Pronounced like Denzel with a W lol never would have guessed".

Others criticised the parents for naming their child something so random, writing: "I’m sorry but f*** that a**hole parent for doing that s***. I mean what in the actual f***? How is that kid ever gonna have anyone get their poor name right?? That is NOT how those letters work! So s***ty of their parents."

Someone responded: "Not to mention the poor kid won’t be able to spell or write their name til like second grade! Some kids are already at a disadvantage to the Bobs and the Sues out there, but this just isn’t fair. And forget about ever getting your name on a little license plate for your bike, no sir. No mugs or keychains or 'share a Coke with'."

One person said that the name "Sounds like flatulence medication". Another replied: "Good gravy. And my mother-in-law gave me grief for wanting to name a girl Bernadette. This was before we knew we were having a boy. This takes the cake."

Others guessed that the name was supposed to be pronounced "Whimsical", and a Reddit user penned: "What are the parents thinking? Like, 'Oh, here, let’s give our kid the last four letters of the alphabet and not pronounce any of them the way other people might think it sounds'!! Why?"

Someone from Morocco wrote: "I get freedom of expression and all. But in my country, a government official name rater will contact the mom and dad after they choose a baby name, and let them know if it’s approved or not."

"You know how bad it is when Marleigh is the best option", somebody shared, saying that Wynzxylle made the other names look "normal".

One man joked: "The first two aren't baby names, they are the letter tiles that are still left in your hand after an unsuccessful round of Scrabble."

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