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Army occupying Pakistan through unconstitutional acts: MQM founder Altaf Hussain

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London [UK], September 16 (ANI): In a fiery address during the 113th intellectual session on a social media platform, Altaf Hussain who is the supremo of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), launched a scathing attack on the Pakistani establishment, accusing it of turning the country into an "occupied territory" under the grip of military rule without officially declaring martial law.
According to the MQM statment, 250 million Pakistanis are now "slaves" of the establishment, as the military operates under martial law-like measures without formally imposing them.
He claimed that the establishment, with support from political allies like Shahbaz Sharif and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), has taken unconstitutional and illegal control of the country's political, administrative, and economic systems.
He further accused the establishment of colluding with global superpowers to turn Pakistan into occupied territory, pointing to ongoing constitutional amendments as part of a broader agenda for complete control over the state.

He also expressed concern over proposed constitutional changes, particularly those involving the judiciary.
He highlighted that under the new amendments, the process for appointing the Chief Justice of the Apex Court would be altered, allowing the Prime Minister, instead of the system of seniority, to appoint the Chief Justice from a pool of five to seven judges. Drawing a parallel with the appointment of the Army Chief, he criticised the move as undermining merit and seniority in the judiciary.

He described the amendments as part of a grand plan orchestrated by the military which aims to consolidate control over the judiciary, calling it a "Genghisian, Pharaonic, Nimrodian, and Shadadian" amendment.
He claimed that these amendments were not democratic or legal, but rather dictatorial, designed to ensure that the government, which he referred to as "illegitimate" and "brought in by tanks under Form 47," maintains its grip on power.
In a stark accusation, Hussain claimed that the army, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), MI, and other intelligence agencies are using coercive tactics to push through the amendments, including allegedly abducting the families of politicians who refuse to support the changes.
He questioned the legality of such actions, asking, "In which constitution is it written that those who do not agree to your amendments should have their wives and children abducted?"
He condemned these actions as undemocratic and tyrannical, likening those behind the amendments to oppressors and murderers of democracy.
According to Hussain, the army's ultimate goal is to ensure total control over the judiciary, which, in his view, would cement Pakistan's status as a "completely occupied and conquered territory."
Addressing the people of Pakistan directly, he issued a rallying call, urging them not to remain silent in the face of what he described as the occupation of their country.
He called on the citizens to rise peacefully in protest and fight for their freedom.
"Not only is Pakistan occupied, but you too have become slaves. The need of the hour is to come out for your freedom instead of keeping silent," he said.
The address comes at a time of mounting political tension in the country, as debates over constitutional amendments and the role of the military in governance continue to polarise the political landscape. (ANI)

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