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'Birthday Plus One' leave intoduced by founder to improve employee work-life balance

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In a notable move towards enhancing workplace culture, Abhijit Chakraborty, founder of Alphanumero, has introduced a progressive leave policy designed to celebrate personal milestones. The "Birthday Plus One" initiative allows employees to take two extra days off each year: one for their birthday and another for a close family member or friend's birthday. This policy, shared in a heartfelt LinkedIn post, aims to promote a healthier work-life balance in a corporate environment often dominated by professional demands.

Chakraborty’s decision comes against the backdrop of increasing conversations about workplace toxicity and the stress associated with rigid corporate cultures. Reflecting on his own experiences, he recalled a time when he faced disapproval from a superior for requesting a day off to celebrate his birthday. "If it’s someone’s birthday, they deserve a gift, not a leave deduction and negative reactions," he stated. His candid acknowledgment of past challenges emphasizes the importance of recognizing personal celebrations without guilt.

The response to this new policy has been overwhelmingly positive on social media. Many users commended Chakraborty for his empathy and understanding. Comments ranged from appreciation for the thoughtful initiative to expressions of excitement about the potential it holds for fostering a more supportive work environment. "This is a policy that truly celebrates people. A day for you and a day for someone you love—what better way to show that work-life balance matters?" one user remarked.

Others shared their personal experiences, echoing the significance of taking time off for birthdays. One commenter wrote, "I love, love, love taking my birthday off to celebrate myself! I've taught my husband to do the same, and now with my son recently born, I plan to take time off for his birthday too!" Such sentiments highlight a growing desire among employees to prioritize personal joy alongside professional responsibilities.

Chakraborty also expressed hope that as Alphanumero continues to grow, the policy might evolve further, potentially offering even more leave days to accommodate the importance of personal milestones. "Our commitment to personal well-being goes hand in hand with professional efficiency," he noted.

This innovative approach has sparked a conversation about the need for companies to adapt to the evolving needs of their workforce, setting a commendable example in the corporate landscape.

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