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Palmistry: Decoding The Secrets Of The Thumb

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Aristotle rightly said, “The hand is the organ of organs, the instrument of instruments,” for it is the hand, its usage and constitution that demonstrates its superiority over other parts of the body; and the thumb is a key differentiating factor setting human beings apart as a specie. It is a symbol of man’s mastery as it karmically links our past, present and future as a collective consciousness. Psychologically the thumb is responsible to propel us to right action and a third eye of the hand.

The thumb represents power. There are a few palmists who read only the thumb as they consider its circuits as the most sacred gaining rare insights into the person’s character. The shape of the thumb affects one’s attitude towards life. By its size one can gauge its strength and ability to express it. Its presence empowers a person’s ego strengthening prana or the life force energy in our regular external lives. A hand that is perceived as weak can be greatly enhanced by a large thumb, while a strong hand can diminish its importance with a small thumb.


The position of the thumb must be gauged by looking at its placement between the wrist and beginning of the finger of Jupiter. The thumb can be set naturally close to either the wrist or the fingers or palm. It is the ideal position indicating positive propensity of all traits. A high set thumb emerges nearer to the bottom of the index finger indicating meanness, a lack of adaptability, withholding energy by refusing to go with the flow. Low set thumbs are closer to the wrist indicating an independent, adaptable, easy-going, flexible and generous nature with sharp mental powers to concentrate, etc.

Proximity to palm

Palmists check the flexibility of the thumb to gauge the person’s innermost attitudes towards money and morals. If the thumb is close to the fingers and opens but slight at an acute angle, leaving lesser space between, the person may be thrifty with his money and tend to be have morally rigid beliefs. If the thumb extends away from the fingers and the palm, the person has an easy going nature and could even be a spendthrift.


Normal length: when the height of the thumb reaches the lower phalange of the finger of Jupiter, it is considered normal indicating a show of the best attributes, a strong will, ability to persist and determination to complete tasks, etc.

Long thumb: is when it extends beyond the lower phalange of the finger of Jupiter into the second phalange depicting a comfort and mastery over one’s own self, sometimes more into mind related matters.

Short thumb: has a weak disposition without much self-assertiveness, lack of conviction, leading to incomplete projects, following the crowd as lacking an opinion.

Two phalanges

Unlike the fingers, the thumb has only two phalanges. The upper phalange indicates will power while the lower one’s mental ability.

The will section: the first phalange or top half of the finger represents our will power. If this part is slightly curved, it shows that we generally get our own way, however if the curve is too acute, it reveals a speculative nature. A stiff first section reveals a ridged personality, stubbornness and an unyielding nature.

The logic section: the second phalange of the thumb depicts one’s reasoning power and logical thinking abilities. Ideally it is of the same length as the first section of the thumb as it shows a balance between thought and action. An indecisive nature dominated by thought is revealed, if this section is much longer than the first section, such that action is delayed. If it is smaller in size then over cautiousness stifles progress.

To understand the thumb better, look at the tip of the thumb to decipher the thumb’s characteristics.

Tip of the Thumb

Study the tip of the thumb by looking keenly at the top end of the thumb which can be thin, flat, bulky, pointed, square or thick.

Conic tipped thumb: a rounded tip towards the tip reveals power of discretion, decision making and immense will power.

Pointed tipped thumb: also called Psychic-tipped thumb is when a thin and flat tip towards the end of the thumb is seen. Projecting a high strung and nervous disposition, these people are sensitive and kind.

Square tipped thumb: indicates an organising nature, great stamina and good fortune.

Spatulate tipped thumb: reflects a good flair for life and living in its owner who has a dynamic persona, is popular and mostly at the centre of action.

Deformed tipped thumb: a large and bulbous-clubbed, top heavy thumb tip is considered deformed while its owner with murderous tendencies due to his nature of withholding energy such that the pent-up energy bursts out in the form of disastrous, destructive, dangerous acts, revealing symptoms of physical and mental illness.

Waist shaped thumb: narrow towards the knuckles and spreads out like our waist does indicates a diplomatic nature, charming persona, a rational mind and evasive traits.

It is an established fact that no two thumbs in the entire world have identical imprints or the design of ridges on it. The thumb is the ultimate evidence of man’s individuality, uniqueness and signature that no one can change, nor duplicate. Yet, we can bring about change in our destiny with concentrated efforts towards achieving our goals. Our destiny is what we make of it ultimately.

(The columnist is a Naturopath and pursues astrology as a hobby)

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