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Heart Problem: Doctors told this situation to be the main reason for increasing heart diseases, most people do not pay attention

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Heart diseases are known as a serious health problem globally, due to which millions of people die every year. Experts said that this problem has increased a lot due to lifestyle and dietary irregularities, due to which even young people are being found to be its victims. Not only this, people are dying of heart attacks while working, sitting, and in the gym. This is a matter of serious concern.

Doctors say that irregular routines and food problems have greatly increased the risks of heart disease, due to which all people need to be careful. World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September to increase awareness about heart disease and related diseases and educate people about its prevention.

The team of doctors has found the problem of increasing stress responsible for the risks of heart disease. In a program organized for heart and mental health awareness in Mohali, cardiologist Dr. Deepak Puri warned people about this increasing risk factor.

Stress is a major cause of heart diseases

Dr. Deepak Puri said, that factors like smoking or alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise have been considered responsible for heart diseases, however, due to stress, people often do not pay attention to its danger. Due to irregular lifestyles and increasing stress, the risk of heart disease is seen to be much higher in India than abroad.

You can prevent this dangerous disease by changing your lifestyle, eating nutritious food, and taking measures to control the increasing stress level.

Stress and heart problems

To explain how stress causes heart diseases, experts from Yale Medicine said that when we are often or very stressed, the body releases a hormone called cortisol in response to it. If you are troubled by chronic stress or are often worried, then the level of cortisol may remain high.

Due to its side effects, blood pressure as well as blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides also start increasing. All these are responsible for heart diseases.

Even minor stress can be dangerous.


Experts at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York say that even minor stress can lead to heart problems. In a state of stress, the risk of blood flow being disrupted in the heart muscles increases. In this, the heart does not get enough blood and oxygen. Apart from this, prolonged stress can also affect the way blood clots are formed. This makes the blood sticky and increases the risk of heart attack-stroke.

Exercise is the most effective way.

Experts said, making an exercise habit is considered most beneficial to reduce the risk of both stress and heart disease. For heart health, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Exercise helps in controlling weight, improving cholesterol, and reducing blood pressure, which can keep heart health fine. Along with this, exercise also controls stress, due to which heart problems are seen to increase.


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