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NASA Warns: 4.6 Billion-Year-Old Asteroid FW13 Racing Towards Earth at 35,000 MPH

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NASA has announced that asteroid 2013 FW13, a 510-foot-wide space rock, will make a close approach to Earth on September 18, 2024. Traveling at a speed of 34,805 miles per hour, the asteroid will come within approximately 2,020,000 miles of our planet. This distance is nearly three times the space between Earth and the Moon.

Despite the asteroid's considerable size, scientists have assured the public that there is no cause for concern. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) confirmed that asteroid 2013 FW13 does not pose an immediate threat to Earth. "These studies are essential for future planetary safety and deepening our knowledge of the universe," NASA said.

Asteroid 2013 FW13 is being closely monitored as part of ongoing efforts to track near-Earth objects (NEOs). Such close encounters allow scientists to study the asteroid's trajectory and refine predictions for future potential impacts.

Asteroids like 2013 FW13 are remnants from the early solar system and provide valuable insights into the origins of water and organic materials on Earth. Previous missions, such as NASA's OSIRIS-REx and Japan's Hayabusa2, have successfully returned samples from other asteroids, offering clues about the early solar system's conditions.

Tracking near-Earth asteroids is crucial for preventing potential future impacts. Historical events, such as the Chicxulub asteroid impact that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs, highlight the importance of monitoring these space rocks. Regular observations and analyses help scientists prepare for and mitigate the risks of similar events.


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