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5 deadly viruses that can impact the brain

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Infectious diseases are on the rise and one of the common complications of the diseases is brain inflammation, which could eventually prove to be life-threatening, if not tackled on time. Encephalitis is one such complication which can cause inflammation of the active tissues of the brain. Many times this can happen due to an infection. Swelling in the brain can lead to headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, mental confusion and seizures. Viruses can also impact the lining of the brain, or meninges, which can lead to fever, tiredness, headache, neck stiffness, nausea or vomiting, drowsiness, and confusion. Brain inflammation can lead to coma or death if not treated on time.

Here are common viruses that can impact brain:

West Nile FeverCases of West Nile Fever, a member of the genus Flaviviridae which causes Zika and dengue fever, have been on rise in the United States. The disease got its name from the West Nile district of Uganda. While the West Nile virus rarely causes any notable symptoms, and very mild or flu-like illness, in some cases it can cause life-threatening diseases like Inflammation of the brain or encephalitis, Inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord or meningitis.

Rabies image
Spread by the bite or scratching of a rabid animals, it can affect both humans and pets. The deadly virus enters the body when the saliva of an infected animal enters an open wound which mostly happens in case of a bite. If not treated on time, the rabies virus makes its way along nerves into your central nervous system - your brain and spinal cord. When it reaches your brain, the damage causes neurological symptoms. It may even lead to coma and death.

In case of furious rabies, people may experience symptoms like aggression, seizures and delirium, while paralytic rabies leads to weakness and paralysis.

Covid-19Covid can affect the brain in both short-term and long-term. According to Harvard, Covid may cause inflammation of the brain, which leads to confusion, difficulty focussing, and memory issues. This phenomenon is also called brain fog.

Covid is also known to cause mental health issues like severe depression or anxiety. Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter, says it even cause people to become psychotic wherein they see and hear things that aren't there. Covid also increases risk of a range of brain conditions like stroke, depression, anxiety, and psychosis for the next several years.

The classic symptoms of dengue range from high-grade fever, joint and bone pain, nausea, vomiting, pain behind eyes among others. These complications could increase in case of certain serotypes. Neurological complications are mostly reported in case of infection from DENV-2 and DENV3 type of dengue virus. This is also called dengue encephalopathy characterised by inflammation of the brain. Symptoms like drowsiness, sleepiness and even seizures may be experienced. According to dengue guidelines published by WHO, CNS impairment was one of severe organ involvement.

Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)
Eastern equine encephalitis or EEE spreads to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. The virus not only attacks your immune system, but also causes inflammation in the brain. This can affect how your brain and nerves work.

In case of EEE, certain types of mosquitoes may get infected by biting and feeding on birds that have the virus. These mosquitoes then bite humans and animals. Infected birds originally get the infection after being bitten by another infected mosquito.
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